

Finding property

When you find a property on our website that you like, please let us know. When you don't see any listings on our website suiting your needs, Please contact us so we can find it for you.


When you have found one, or maybe more properties suiting your needs, please let us know. We can plan viewings for you.

Yes, I want to rent the property

When you decide that you like to rent a property, let us know. We will send you the required form please also look at our selection criteria

Application proces

Our team will contact you and lead you trough the process.

Signing the contract

The contract will draw up  for the lease.  The official contract will be in Dutch according to Dutch law Send to you ia Docusign


After you have signed the contract we will make an appointment for the check-in. At the check-in we will have a good look at the property with you. We will write down anything that's not up to standards and communicate this information to the owner.




Expat Service

Michiel Stolker Real Estate offers extra service for expat customers. We can make your contracts for gas, water, electricity and internet. If you decide you want us to make the contracts for gas, water, electricity and internet, let us know before the check-in. We can make the contracts for you during the check-in.


If you need more than one house for your employees to stay, for long term or short stay. Please let us know, we can help you find suitable housing for all your employees.

Property Management


House owners that want to rent out their property have 3 choices at Michiel Stolker Real Estate. If you want you can just rent your house once, without any property management option. When you choose this option, we will find you a tenant, make the contract and do the check-in.



If you choose the option financial property management, Michiel Stolker Real Estate will remain the contact for your tenants. The tenant will not disturb you with anything according the lease. If anything is broken at your property, the tenant will contact us. We will call you about how to proceed. We will cash the rent for you and make the monthly balance for your tax administration.


The technical package includes that we will take care of any technical questions and repairs at your property. We always ask you for your permission to do any repairs. If you want we'll get you 3 separate estimates for you to choose between. We also do inspections of the property.